Managing a Happier Meditation Subscription You Bought Through Apple
Thanks for subscribing to Happier Meditation! For your privacy, Apple doesn't allow us to look at your Apple ID purchases although they send us start and stop information for your subscription. As the account owner, you'll need to manage your subscription through Apple's systems.
Helpful Resources at Apple
An easy way to check your subscription is to log into your Apple ID purchase history on Apple's website at View your purchase history for the App Store, iTunes Store, and other Apple media services.
Apple also has phone support for subscription questions. Call them at 800-275-2273 in the United States or find the number for your area on their website at Applecare Worldwide. If you call, be sure to tap or ask for Apple's billing support since that's the team at Apple that has access to your Apple ID purchases.
Good Things to Know About Subscriptions Purchased Through Apple's App Store
- If you think there's an issue with your payment method on file with Apple try their website: If your payment method is declined in the App Store or iTunes Store.
- Apple requires cancellation 24 hours before a subscription or free trial expires. If your cancellation request crossed paths with your purchase, contact Apple for a refund. This article on Apple's website has information on how to do that: Request a refund for apps or content that you bought from Apple.
Uninstalling or deleting the app will not cancel your subscription. You can cancel your subscription through the Apple Manage Subscriptions Webpage or from your iPhone Settings.
After canceling your renewal or automatic enrollment you'll continue to have access to Happier Meditation premium content until the expiration date. Once your subscription expires, you'll have a free account with access to The Basics with Joseph Goldstein, The Dalai Lama’s Guide to Happiness, and anything else that's currently unlocked.
If you run into any snags or we can help with something else, please email us at